Monday, June 16, 2014



Circuses have a special magic in the life of a child, but the ethical question of the use of wild animals in circuses has engendered public outrage.

 As there is now increasing evidence about animal sentience several countries have banned the use of wild animals in circuses, with good reason, whilst still retaining the magical atmosphere of clowns, trapeze artists, acrobats, magicians and music.

South Africa has not yet followed the overseas example but momentum towards a ban is picking up since an exposé on Carte Blanche in April last year which has also resulted in many standing up and organising demonstrations country-wide. 

Accordingly, activists from various walks of life, some travelling from Cape Town, staged a peaceful protest  on Saturday 8th February to raise awareness of the practice of using wild animals in circus acts, when McClaren's Circus came to the Gordon High School in Somerset West.

McClaren's boasts a variety of animals including white lions and Bengal Tigers. Clearly not everybody was impressed with the notion of incarcerating wild animals in cages and teaching them tricks for public amusement.

Toni Brockhoven who manages media liaison for Beauty without Cruetly (BWC) and who also travelled through from Cape Town, said that given the choice, no animal would choose to live an unnatural life of captivity, regardless of the kindness of the treatment and no animal would choose a life that allows none of their natural behaviour.

"Certainly animals would not choose to be taken from their families to be obliged to amuse us.  Circus animals spend months travelling in small, bare cages. The stress of  continued confinement as well as the transportation result in long term suffering and a lack of appropriate social interaction, reduction in time spent foraging and the restricted freedom to perform natural behaviours represent stressors for captive animals," she said. 

A natural environment cannot be recreated in circuses due to the travelling, with  inadequate  accommodation and exercise areas, forced movement and handling by humans.  Noise, along with confinement results in both short-term as well as long-term behavioural and psychological effects.

            Toni feels that teaching children that wild animals belong in cages for our use and amusement is not the way to go. "There are so many options today to teach children about animals in their natural environment, with a wide range of educational nature films readily available," she said.

            Somerset resident Louise Spagnuolo who helped organize the protest said that many local residents sent messages to Gordon High requesting that they not host circuses featuring wild animals.  No reply had as yet been received.

They were aware that Gordon High probably had contractual responsibilities, but it was hoped that they would not host circuses featuring wild animals in future," she said.

To which Asanda Village resident Kenesias Dambakurima added: "Free them from slavery."

            When asked for his views on the matter, Paul Hart who runs the Drakenstein Lion Sanctuary outside Paarl pointed out that he currently had eight lions rescued from circuses.  Having seen the effects on these animals, he does not support the use of wild animals in circuses.

            Alan Perrins, Chief Executive Officer of the SPCA stated: "Wild animals belong in the wild."

 Bolander also posed the question to him: "Local authorities require rescued lions to be housed in enclosures no smaller than 400 sq.metres and yet take no action in cases where circus lions spend their lives in cramped caravans.  How can this be justified?"

            At the time of going to press, no answer had been received.




Close to 100 people again demonstrated peacefully on the corner of the N2 and De Beers Avenue outside the Gordon High School on Saturday 15th, against having wild animals in circuses. 

Law Enforcement were out in full force to see that they stayed within the limits of their permit, as were members of  Mclaren circus. 

The media officer for the latter would not answer any queries except in writing.  However he did say that they had no objection to the protest adding that "all animals were removed from their families at some stage anyway."   

When asked by Bolander at what age it happened that lion cubs were naturally separated from their families, he did not know but said he would ask their trainer.

Kenesias Dambakurima, who works for a media company and lives in Asanda village, was present and energetically led the chant: "No no no; nee, nee, nee." He said he loved wild animals and started his animal activism in 2010.

            Resident Louise  Spagnuolo, who organised the protest, said that McClarens claimed that their animals were well cared for  "But this justification was like saying that rape was  O.K. if you bought her champagne and  chocolates beforehand and provided a nice, soft bed."



Sunday, April 20, 2014




In a world first, on the 15th March 2014  organizations and activists joined marches in 65 cities around the world to protest against the 'canned' lion hunting industry.


This was the result of a process which started in early 1991 when Gareth Patterson learned that hunters in the Eastern Cape had used bows and arrows to kill lions and some time later an undercover video came to hand which showed the sickening scene of a 'canned' trophy hunt 

at the Marlothi game farm close to the Kruger National Park's southern boundary.


The video caused the investigative Cook Report team in Britain to arrange for an undercover hunting team to travel to South Africa, with Roger Cook himself posing as a wealthy but unwell 'client.'  (Bolander June 5 2013). Their subsequent report, shown in South Africa on Carte Blanche, sent shock waves throughout the world in 1997.


 It also spurred into action Chris Mercer and Bev Pervan of the Kalahari Raptor Centre who started a campaign to get canned hunting banned in South Africa. In their Publication "Canned Lion unting Hunting - A National Disgrace" which also contained their submission to the S.A. Government, they unting – a National Disgrace" they describe how they wdescribe how "they were snubbed by just about every wildlife organization in the country, from nature conservation authorities to N.G.O's, from hunting organizations to environmental journalists.  No political party showed any interest in fighting this cause.  The environmental ethic in South Africa was that animals were a mere resource to be used."


The canned hunting industry flourished, as did the various industries which fed upon its practice – the lion breeding farms and 'cub petting' and 'walking with the lions' facilities, the trophy hunters and taxidermists, the circuses and zoos and, eventually, the taxidermists.   Also the lion bone industry, the bones being sold to known Asian crime syndicates who pay lion farmers for  lion carcasses, which are processed in Asia and then fraudulently sold as tiger bone cake at (US$1000 per 100 grams) for unproven medicinal purposes.


But with a dogged determination Chris and Bev persisted and founded the Campaign Against Canned Hunting (CACH).  Not getting much support in South Africa, their unrelenting lobbying was directed world-wide.


This persistence paid off, critical mass being reached 15 years later with the Global March being  organized, proving that a vast number of people across the world would no longer be silent about the cruelty involved.  

Sixty five cities came aboard with thousands of people marching to tell the world about the nightmare which is the horrific canned hunting industry in South Africa and that they wanted to see lions living wild and free.


In Los Angeles TheTokens performed live the original version of their number one hit and theme song of Disney's Lion King.


In South Africa marches took place in Durban, Johannesburg, Grahamstown and Cape Town where an estimated 1,700 people marched, with Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu's daughter Rev. Mpho Tutu joining the latter.  She read out the Arch's prayer "for all God's beautiful wildlife, especially the wild white lion, that are at risk because of the (human) predators going around destroying them." He also prayed for blessings on those who had made public this practice and that they would succeed in their quest.

 Chris Mercer from CACH handed over a submission to Dr. Mario Ambrosini MP for delivery to Deputy Director General Dr. Guy Preston of the Department of Environmental Affairs.


According to Mercer, a retired lawyer, there is no legal definition of canned hunting, but the key is the absence of fair chase. So "canned hunting is where the target animal is unfairly prevented from escaping the hunter, either by physical constraints (fencing) or by mental constraints (tame, habituated to humans.) On this definition, all hunts of captive bred lions are canned hunts."


He goes on to point out that there are fewer than 4000 lions left in the 'wild' in South Africa, but more than 8,000 in captivity, being bred for the bullet or the arrow, with the number increasing daily. "Lion farming is a real threat to wild lion prides, for many reasons. The on-going capture of wild lions to introduce fresh blood into captive breeding and the growth of the lion bone trade to Asia will impact severely on wild lions from poaching."


Already there are reports in the media about wild lions being killed in Botswana to obtain cubs which are then smuggled across the border into S.A. Unscrupulous S.A. lion breeders will buy them to bring fresh blood to their lion stock for genetic reasons, and to ward off captivity depression.


This wholesale and unscientific killing of lions has long term effects on wild prides, destroying the core pride function. Research shows that it can take as long as seven years for a lion pride to re-establish itself after the death of the trophy male.


"The public needs to be informed through sustained campaigns and the US and EU governments being persuaded to ban the import of lion/predator trophies. Only that way can the supply of dollars be cut off and the industry closed down," Mercer says.


 Lion farming does not fall under the Department of Agriculture but the Supreme Court has ruled that it has nothing to do with conservation, so it cannot be regulated by conservation officials either. Lion farming thus falls between two government departments. In consequence, captive predators bred for hunting purposes have no regulatory protection.


"In the end," he says, "canned hunting only exists because of a failure of government policy, and being ferociously defended by wealthy vested interests." 


It is causing a backlash against tourism to South Africa. Ethical tourists are already boycotting SA, causing losses to the legitimate tourism industry.


These boycotts will surely increase over time with sustained pressure through world-wide campaigns such as the recent global march against canned hunting.

Thursday, February 27, 2014



Humans appear to have a fascination for small animals that can be held in the palm of one's hand and so potbellied pigs were introduced into the United States in 1985 and promoted as the perfect house pet.  Correctly, it was claimed that they were easier to house train than dogs and did not carry fleas but, in the interests of sales, essential information was omitted.

            The average "tiny teacup pig" weighs 80 kg on reaching adulthood – so it was not long before they were abandoned, much like puppies purchased on a whim at Christmas time.  They can also become extremely aggressive and, following their natural instincts, root up carpets as well as your garden.  This craze has now reached South Africa and is already creating a problem for animal welfare societies country-wide that have had  to deal with the consequences of their being dumped as they reach adulthood.

            It does rather seem as if the new about-to-be-promulgated animal by-laws do not make specific provision for potbellied pigs as pets, or about their limitation per household, as is the case with cats and dogs, leading to unintended consequences A question directed to Alan Perrins, CEO of the Cape of Good Hope ope SPCA, about whether these would fall under the classification of farm animals or pets, elicited the brief response: "semantics."

            According to Cora Bailey of Community Led Animal Welfare (CLAW), they have been dealing with this problem in Gauteng for some time.

            People are dumping their formerly cosseted "tiny teacup pigs" in townships to be slaughtered in which-ever way people see fit.

            Clearly there is a serious gap in the by-law here.

Thursday, February 13, 2014



Winston Churchill said: Dogs look up to you cats look down on you, but pigs treat you like equals.

             Pigs resemble human beings in many ways.  Like dogs and other animals they share many of our feelings - compassion, fear, and their need for companionship and intelligence.

They are able to solve problems and have been shown to excel at video games that would be hard for a young child, and sometimes perform better than primates.

Karl Schwenke points out in his 1985 classic, In a Pig's Eye:  "Pigs are gregarious animals. Like children they thrive on affection, enjoy toys, have a short attention span and are easily bored.  Much like children, piglets do not develop in a normal way when they are deprived of the opportunity to engage in play. They are at least as intelligent as dogs and have been known to rescue their owners from drowning.

They also dream and see colours like us. It is now recognised that they know when they are going to be slaughtered. Like dogs, they are individuals.

            The one big difference between pigs and dogs is the way we treat them.  We play with our dogs, take them for walks - we rarely do the same with pigs. It is difficult to understand why they receive such a raw deal. 

            George Orwell's classic novel, Animal Farm, is generally considered to be a political fable about totalitarianism and Russia.  However, as Jeffrey Masson points out, Orwell himself saw it in another light, explaining in a preface written for the Ukranian translation, that the story came to him when he saw a little boy, perhaps ten years old, abusing a carthorse.    

            He was struck with the force of a revelation "that men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the proletariat" and proceeded to analyze Marx's theory from the animals' point of view.

            In the beginning of the book, as Major tells the animals on the farm, "No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old. No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth."

            And so, as farm animals, pigs now live in a world that has become very far removed from nature -  and where the purpose of their existence is almost entirely defined by their death or exploitation, where animals are seen as objects and have to earn their keep  along the world view of  if it pays it stays.  We confine pigs in factory farms in sheds where they are constantly impregnated, and where they stand on slats, not even able to move around.  As piglets their tails are docked without anaesthetic and in the end, like the old horse in Animal Farm, their fate is the slaughterhouse.

            But a visit to the Rustler's Valley community, near Ficksburg in the Free State, demonstrated again the symbiotic relationship between human- and non-human animals, where the pigs' keen sense of smell and natural inclination to root is used to the benefit of all.

The Rustlers' Valley community practices permaculture, a sustainable way of agriculture which is about "caring for the environment so that the environment can care for us." The use of  pesticides and other chemicals is dispensed with by the inter-planting of  crops with herbs that heal the soil and keep away harmful pests.   In working with nature mechanical devices are dispensed with.  New veggie patches are prepared by making use of 'pig tractoring.'  A sty is erected over a patch of veld which is to be cleared.

            The pigs then root to their hearts' content, clearing the ground of unwanted vegetation and spreading manure to feed the soil. As such, everybody is happy and the community is able to live off the land entirely.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Proposed Animal Welfare Laws for Western Cape under Scrutiny



During October 2013 the City of Cape Town put out for public comment a draft animal welfare policy for the Western Cape.  The Animal Protection Act of 1962 still informs national welfare policy despite the changing values, norms and principles of our new non-racial society being very different from those in place all those years ago when the legislation was passed.

Owing to public pressure, the national government as long ago as 2006 put out a draft policy document called the "Draft Animal Care Policy for South Africa" but since then the trail has gone cold with no progress being made, at national level, on taking up the suggestions in the draft. It is speculated that this is due to cultural practices that are arguably a criminal contravention of the Animal Protection Act.

            "These considerations do not, however, constrain the law-makers of the Western Cape where the DA governs at both provincial and city level. Its policies are therefore those that ought to inform the laws, by-laws and regulations in place in this province and its mother city," points out Adv. Paul Hoffman SC, director of the Institute for Accountability in Southern Africa, who also referred to the fact that the DA did not have a policy on animals as disclosed by the Premier of the Western Cape, Helen Zille except that they were opposed to cruelty against animals. Zille suggested that an animal welfare forum be established, which would include all animal welfare organizations.  The subsequent draft policy was put out for public participation.

            Alan Perrins, Chief Executive Officer for the Cape of Good Hope SPCA and chairperson of the Animal Welfare Forum, feels encouraged by the draft policy which recognizes the sentience of animals and makes sterilization compulsory under certain conditions. (Mandatory sterilization of cats and dogs is a stance already adopted by other Municipalities in South Africa including Swellendam and Kannaland.)

            Sterilization as a strategy would address the cause, not just effects, of the many problems attendant upon the over-population of animals, such as the resultant burden on welfare organizations who are filled to capacity with unwanted animals.

Presently a disproportionate amount of donors' funding is being spent on euthanasing instead of re-homing and sterilization.  In this respect, the Animal Welfare Forum decries the gross underfunding of municipal pounds such as the official City pound at Atlantis.

An annual figure of, say R 250 000 – R300 000 is woefully inadequate for its efficient running, with the costs then spilling over onto other animal welfare organizations who receive absolutely no funding from the City. The Cape SPCA alone has had to spend around two million rands of donor funds on collecting animals and spaying them or euthanasing them humanely.

Still remaining also, are serious challenges to enforcing the bylaws such as animals being defined as property or possessions in terms of the law while, at the same time, the draft animal welfare policy acknowledges their sentience.

This anomaly can only be resolved by lobbying at national government level as national laws will always supercede provincial ones.

Further challenges, says Perrins, are entrenched cruel practices resulting in avoidable cruelty such as battery farming and sow crates.  Fortunately there has been a change in attitude   since a decade or so ago with consumers world-wide becoming increasingly aware and abhorrent of cruel farming practices and opting to buy ethically produced foods and goods.

The challenges described are but some of the legal loopholes in the draft animal welfare policy of which just one example is the potbellied pig (also erroneously referred to by the misnomer 'tea cup' pig .

These reside under the classification of farm animals and the problem arises when people don't do their homework properly and then take them into their homes as pets, not realizing (as with huskies) the tremendous problems which can result when the animal reaches adulthood.

The potbellied pig, raised as a four legged child in the family, then suddenly finds himself taken for slaughter in any which way as they are not even afforded the meagre legal protection of pets such as dogs and cats. Only the lucky ones land up at the animal welfare organizations.

            Perhaps the way forward would lie in creating a single Department of Animal Welfare under which all animal issues would resort, thus avoiding the current fragmentation to different  departments, such as agriculture, health, etc., of issues that are of a cross cutting nature. In this respect Adv. Paul Hoffman points out that the City of Los Angeles established such a "Department of Animal Welfare" in 1978, making them a forerunner in the sphere of  implementing and enforcing humane, modern and sensible animal welfare policies.